An ELT Blogger Directory
A database of teachers of English as a second or foreign language.
Page creator: Claudia Ceraso
Page co-writers: Alicia Rey, Gabriela Sellart.
Project Scope
The purpose of this page is to create a chronological directory of English Language teachers who are integrating technology to their practice.
Criteria adopted to organise the database:
-Chronological order. Blogger membership or first post in a blog are taken as main sources to place a teacher in time. To
decide the date of a webpage will be used.
-References to groups and exploratory uses of blogs will be included
-References to individual teachers will be made by linking to the page/s that summarises most of their online presence
Please note that some teachers have worked extensively in web pages before signing in to Blogger.
I hope that both, researchers and newcomers can find a resource to delve into in order to answer questions such as:
-Who were the first teachers of English who explored the use of blogs with their students?
-What advantages and disadvantages have teachers found in technology integration?
-What uses have teachers given to blogs? How have they changed through time?
All of the above are among the questions I have been trying to answer myself. Technology integration and blogging in particular is still in its infancy. As blogs and wikis become more and more popular, attention will be drawn to their use. New teachers will benefit from exploring the path that their pioneer colleagues have travelled through.
What this list is not
This list will not include annotations to teachers' work, neither descriptive nor evaluative. It is simply a guide for research.
A note from the page curator
This list is not meant to publicise each individual production or to start a link exchange, but to create a reference page to ELT teachers' online profiles or personal webpages pages listing their online presence.
I am creating this page in April 2007. To the best of my knowledge there is no other existing page with the same information. I look forward to teacher's comments on the usefulness of this database. Contributors will be acknowledged on this page.
This is a work in progress.
For corrections, additions or comments about this work please contact me at fceblog (AT)
How to cite this page: ELT Blogger Directory. Claudia Ceraso 2007.
ELT Edubloggers
The Blogger Directory
More Edublogger Listings
The ELT Blogger Directory is still far from complete. To browse other sources of blog examples try the following links:
Dekita Exchange
Blog2Learn by Anne Davis
ESL/EFL Examples
Jeffrey Hill
The English Blog
Special thanks to:
-Dennis Oliver who wrote "This is a wonderful project, Claudia. There's a great need for just such a database and, as you pointed out in your introductory remarks, there is apparently no other resource that provides the information contained in your wiki."
-Hala who wrote "I visited your wiki for ELT directory, and what a neat organized way to collect all these teachers in one place.I guess this will be the first place to look for students to exchange with mine in November,when the academic year starts!"
Note: Please note the Dekita Exchange link above to find teachers willing to engage in exchange projects. The inclusion of bloggers here does not mean they intend to or have the time for such projects.
-Anne Davis for including a link to this database in her handouts wiki Blog2Learn.
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Comments (1)
Claudia Ceraso said
at 7:30 pm on Dec 10, 2014
Please email me if you find any mistakes or broken links here. Thank you.
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